Our lab features three levels of space -- the top deck for storage and the 500 cu-ft bag for helium gas capture, the ground level for everyday use, and the basement for pumps, chillers, and high-pressure helium storage. The ground level lab space, which looks out on a rose garden, has all of the measurement apparatuses, sample prep benches, and student desks. As part of the newly renovated 2300 Delaware Ave. research space, we are in close proximity to other labs with their own different equipment and capabilities.
Our lab is equipped with a number of tools and apparatuses that allow us to study materials at temperatures from 300 K down to 50 mK, and in magnetic fields of up to 9T. Our closed helium recycling and liquefaction system allows us to keep our cryostats cold at all times. These systems include:
- two commercial SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometers for ac/dc susceptibility;
- two commercial physical properties measurement systems (PPMS), used for electrical & thermal transport, Hall effect, and specific heat;
- a He3/He4 dilution refrigerator insert for use with the PPMS (down to 50 mK), suitable for electrical transport and specific heat;
- a top loading He3/He4 dilution refrigerator (down to 50 mK, up to 10T), used for electrical transport and specific heat.
- a top-loading He3 cryostat
- a mini-dr with high-homogeneity 3" bore magnet
- a 25 liquid liter per day Quantum Design helium liquifier
- a 15 liquid liter per day Cryomech helium liquifier
- a 30 gas liter per minute Quantum Design helium purifier
In addition to our cryostats, we have a number of auxiliary apparatuses, including:
- a Q-scope atomic force microscope (AFM);
- a Lesker rf-magnetron sputterer and e-beam deposition system;
- mill/lathe combination for machining custom parts;
- a variety of sample prep tools - string saw, lapping, polishing, pressing.